If you're on the California coast and looking for the perfect mix, look no further. With 23 species of Wildflower picked specifically for our customers on the coast of the Golden State, this is the perfect selection of flowers for your planting area. Planting this mix in full sun will yield colorful results year round! Buy in bulk to save big!
Mix contains:
California Poppy Orange White Yarrow Shasta Daisy Alaska Lance Leaf Coreopsis Perennial Flax Sweet Alyssum Black Eyed Susan Cornflower Tall Mix Godetia Dwarf Mix Clarkia Mix Plains Coreopsis Chinese Forget Me Not Larkspur Giant Imperial Mix Baby's Breath Snapdragon Scarlet Flax Arroyo Lupine Baby Blue Eyes Evening Primrose Shirley Single Mix, Corn Poppy California Bluebells Catchfly Siberian Wallflower